How many times do you think a Clinton has said the phrase "solutions business" in the last three days? That is one of their new catch-phrases used to attack Obama.
"Obama's in the speech business, I'm in the solutions business" ... "Hillary's in the solutions business..."
Nothing wrong with that, every candidate has their catch phrases, like McCain's "Straight Talk Express" and Obama's "Change we can believe in."
I just find it so obvious and patronizing that its almost funny.
Do you have any favorite political catch phrases, either from this election cycle, or from previous ones? And did/do you agree or disagree with them?
What are your favorite political hooks, or catch phrases, and do you agree with them?
Umm, you're the one that tried to sound so fair with your question about stopping the bashing, but I noticed that in that one you left out Hillary, and in this you are bashing her.
I don't find Obama riding on the back of Camelot so inspiring, it is about as near to plagiarism as it gets.
All of the slogans are boring, and no one has an up on the other.
Let's see: ' A chicken in every pot', 'A dinner in every pail'. 'He kept us out of the war', 'Get out and Push'............. Those were the good old days.
Reply:"Washington is broken" - Mitt Romney
This was my favorite because I believe it is a true statement. It's too bad we won't be able to fix it because McCain, Obama, and Hillary are current Senators and Washington insiders. All senators do is sit on panels and vote on issues. I wish we could vote for a governor who actually has experience running a form of government and has expeirience working with both parties to create policies.
Reply:Think about tomorrow...and the bridge to the 21st century....then Bush tore the bridge down!
Reply:Goldwater - I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Obviously a far different time, inhabited by a different species.
Reply:change is imminent
our christian nation needs a conservative president
it took a clinton to clean up the last dirty bush
"I'm not a religious threat, I'm just a mormon
visual arts
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