Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why do men wear fishing hooks on their baseball caps????

best answer gets 10 points......

Why do men wear fishing hooks on their baseball caps????
hey think its cool. Its an affectation.

Its akin ot wearing a fly vest to dinner to look cool.
Reply:And I just thought it was just ppl that stood to close to me while I was casting!

You know battle scars,lol!
Reply:some do and some dont its up to them also its a place that they store their favourite flies eg the fly that caught their first fish
Reply:It is a way of making a statement to the world that they are 'Happy Hookers.'
Reply:i wear one on my blaze orange deer hunting cap.. believe it brings me luck,, yeah i know but it seems to work
Reply:It is a fashion statement for fishermen.

Wearing a hook on your hat denotes you to be a "fisherman with style" and "one who fishes".

You could also ask:

" Why do Harley Davidson riders like to wear black leather jackets,(VS Khaki, Blue, White, Etc.?)"

" Why do girls like clothes from the "Mall" Vs clothes at Walmart, K-mart, Target?"


UPDATE: Exert you are a rogue! That was funny. Nice job.
Reply:Because they saw Larry the Cable Guy do it in "Health Inspector"!
Reply:So everybody can see 'em, and maybe ask about 'em, or maybe tell about 'em. 'Cause if you ain't fishin' you oughta be talkin' with somebody about fishin'
Reply:It is a convenient location to store them while fishing.

I expect many folks think it looks cool too.
Reply:i have three reasons

-shows im a die hard fisherman

- im a larry the cable guy fan

-it shows that i am a good catch to women...
Reply:After a hard day of fishing they head for the local watering hole to see if they can "really" hook up!!!


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