Friday, March 12, 2010

Do children’s TV programs contain subtle hooks to help the Christian doctrine implantation process?

…otherwise known as the C-DIP?

I’m talking about the programs that are made specifically for children like Sesame Street, Barney and we can’t forget Vege Tales. I’m not an avid watcher of these programs but from what I have seen of them, they have some very clever (deviously clever) allusions to Christian beliefs. And don’t ask me for examples; if you feel passionately about it enough to disagree with me, then watch a few episodes and see for yourselves.

Do children’s TV programs contain subtle hooks to help the Christian doctrine implantation process?
All of our media does. You have no idea how much biblical imagery is used in the media until you become sensitized to it. Once you do, it's relentless. The presumption of Christianity and Christians is pervasive and needs to stop.
Reply:its not subtle hooks, its just what the person creating the show ,and people, believe in. also don't forget that chritianity has been ingrained in our socitey for well 2,000 plus years, so it can't not. we were raised to believe that so of course there will be, but its not to make a conspiracy or whatever if thats what your suggesting.

but good news is that its slowly being whithered away the reults are even prominet on yahoo alon.e christianity that is
Reply:Yeah Barney is always talking about religion- and Cookie Monster's cookies uses subliminal messages written on the cookies- JUST KIDDING- of course Veggie Tales talks about the Christianity and they are not subtle- so if you don't like to hear about God don't have your kids watch Veggie tales.
Reply:Well veggietales is a very christian tv show for little kids to draw them away from other tv shows just as sesame street or barney bc of the nature that some tv show offer little kids.
Reply:and what is wrong with it? Considering the crap that would have been NEVER on TV for kids twenty to thirty years ago.

Then throw in the violence on prime time and you cosider Christian beliefs horrid?

try again with your whining, sister.
Reply:If you find Christianity in Sesame Street or Barney you clearly have no understanding of Christianity. Learn something about the topic you want to discuss before you discuss it.
Reply:I've found that they are actually deviating from that more and more, in both children's shows, and in every form of media. Which I think is a very good is nice to have a bit of variety, without having the same old trite subtly crammed into your head at every flick of the remote control (which is what brainwashing is all about).
Reply:First of all, Veggie Tales doesn't allude to anything. They are flat out, blatantly Christian. When it comes to other kids shows, I think what they're going for is morality, kindness, compassion, friendship etc. It's up to you if you equate these qualities with Christianity. If you feel passionately enough about it, you should be a little more specific.
Reply:I don't agree or disagree, so I'm asking for examples.

However, the children wouldn't be watching them if parents didn't let them would they?
Reply:C-dip huh thats a new one I am sorry I did not realize it was such a bad thing to teach our children to be good people.
Reply:Veggie Tales is a Christian program - I remember watching a few of them in Sunday School. For some odd reason, our pastor likes to play the Veggie Tale music video "God Is Bigger Than The Boogyman" every now and then in church. Something to do with the seeker movement I cousin and I walked out of church singing it the last time he did...couple high school kids singing Veggie Tales is a little scary...but it was really catchy...

Back to your question. Maybe they have hooks or it could be accidental. You could be reading too deeply into it.

What you will find, not only in children's TV programs, but in the entire creative world there are allusions to the Bible and Bible stories, because not only is the Bible considered to be a holy book for many, it is also considered literature. Writers borrow from other literature all the time. Read Thomas Foster's book How To Read Literature Like A Professor and there is an entire chapter on how lots of literature have allusions to the Bible and Biblical stories. There is also another chapter about Christ figures - characters in literature with characteristics similar to Christ and play the "Christ role" in the story (example being Frodo in The Lord of the Rings). Writers of anything could borrow ideas from the Bible - that includes writers of children's television shows.

I'll pass on watching any more episodes of Barney and Seseme Street. Saw enough of them in my childhood. I preferred Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck anyway.

Reply:All I know is the teletubbies are satanists.
Reply:vegi-tales is certainly a christian childrens cartoon. but that doesnt stop it from being fun. and i have not seen anything in sesame street and barney that is particularly pro christian. i think you need to take off the aluminum hat and realize not everything is a religious conspiracy. religion isnt evil.
Reply:Veggie Tales for sure ! I have a toddler and I refuse to let her watch it. Barney maybe, it's just kind of lame 90's TV stuff. I've never gotten that impression from Sesame, and I've been watching that since I was a kid in the 70's.

I'm almost positive that Disney sneaks some christianity in to their stuff too. I have some very religious relatives and that's the only channel the kids can watch, not even Nick or Noggin.
Reply:i'm going to make an assertion ,don't ask me for examples just feeeeeeeeeeel it,who's the evangelist hypocrite here?
Reply:Hmmm, Sesame Street is generally boring and pointless, but the entertainment value curiously spikes when you get high; suddenly Elmo's world becomes an astonishingly vivid place of wonder and you find yourself playing hide and seek with Count von Count.

Sigh, marijuana is great.
Reply:Yep, theres alot of brainwashing going on and it makes me sick.


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