Friday, March 12, 2010

What % of the time does naughty cyber talk lead to requests for real life hooks ups?

and do the real life hook ups happen?

when does fantasy ever equal or even come close to reality?

Is cyber sex talk just for people who cannot handle the opposite sex and themselves in the living breathing flesh?

Can you, and i am asking you, do both with great skill %26amp; freedom?

What % of the time does naughty cyber talk lead to requests for real life hooks ups?
Sometimes depending on the two people involved, and how committed they are, how much trust they have built up, and what they really want out of this cyber flirtation....some people are looking for a quick cyber flirtation in order to release their inhibitions, or maybe more long term connection with someone, but not interested in meeting them, ask yourself if you ever had a meeting with someone you cyber flirted with, what was it like? were/would you be disappointed, would the experience be more sobbering, or just what you expected? i think it would be a whole different ball game when meeting....i also think that many like to become enthralled in cyber talk it gives them an excitement maybe that fulfills some part of their being...

Regarding fantasy even coming close to reality, it never does, unless it is a fantasy that the person wants to play out in real life and does so.

My friend met her husband on the net, fortunately it worked out for her they were prepared no matter what the cost, that was what they were looking for.

I wouldn't agree cyber talk is just for those who cannot handle the opposite sex in real life, that would be unfair to say without knowing the person, but i can only speak for myself and say that i could quite happily do both if i wanted, which i have no interest in or need, because i am a communicator on all levels....those who do practice the art of deception on the net will eventually get rumbled sooner or later and i wouldn't waste my time with them.


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